Finchley Progressive Synagogue
Rebecca Birk grew up in the Oxford Jewish Congregation, a community renowned for pluralistic harmony. It worked. She has been the rabbi of Finchley Progressive Synagogue since 2010. After leading periods at Woodford Liberal Synagogue and as associate at Westminster synagogue. She gained her BA in Theology at Bristol University and her Masters at Harvard Divinity School before training at Leo Baeck College too be a rabbi.
She has been Jewish Chaplain at HMP Holloway and visiting Rabbi to the Progressive Jews of Stockholm since 2000. She offers Pause for Thought regularly and is a keen fan of religious broadcasting.
Rebecca is passionate about growing a synagogue on strong relationships and sense of belonging. She believes in an accessible and vibrant Liberal Judaism. With her community she has led the Borough of Barnet into accepting 50 Syrian refugees under the VPRS. FPS is involved in the welcome and integration of these families.
Rebecca has three children Ruben, Dora and Rafael who (at the moment) love their synagogue.

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